© 2002 Privates Netzwerk Medizingeschädigter - Geoffrey & Mike - Initiatoren und Betreiber
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Partnersite U.S.A.
My Son had 3 area's of brain injury one of which was a right thalmic stroke, and has permanent brain damage as a result of medical negligence. I had many complications through out the pregnancy none of which were taken very seriouly which included bilateral kidney infections, sysmptomatic tachycardia, asthma, and severe swelling in my body, and when I went to the emergency room 8 days before his birth for decreased movement, I was given apple juice and sent home saying he was fine. During the delivery he experienced problems none of which were taken serious and was having seizures at birth. Many cover ups and lies have taken place since. He has epilepsy and is on medications ,but has not been seizure free. |
The united states government has been pressured over the years to adress the broad issue of medical malpractice(medical errors), but sadly it is still the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. approximately 98,000 a year die. The U.S government has taken a more aggressive role in trying to reduce the numbers via education, congressional hearings, and harsh laws prosecuting some as criminals.Some medical errors aren't errors at all but criminal acts against helpless people. |
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© 2002 Privates Netzwerk Medizingeschädigter - Geoffrey & Mike - Initiatoren und Betreiber |
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